The latest Fabian Pamphlet echoes a lot of Tory advice in urging Labour to be nicer to business. Cosy up to brutal greedy selfish overcharging accountancy fiddling tax avoiding short sighted incompetent business sector and stop them failing the country because they're so nervous about being made to behave better.
It's all code of course for move to the right, give up any idea of responsible capitalism, cut taxes on the higher paid and scrap any regulations to make companies treat their workers and customers better.
And it's nonsense. If business can't flourish, conquer markets and pay the nation's way in the world now when interest rates are at record low levels, large sections of public sector work are being handed to them, regulations are being slashed,while EU competitors are strangling themselves with the Euro, then it's never going to. British business is better at leaching on the state and crying out for socialism ((but only for themselves) in the form of government help, aid finance and support, than it is at competing in the world.
Besides the prophets never tell us what kind of business we've got to do selfies with. Is it the small businesses being created in record numbers to go slowly bankrupt just to get people off social security? Is it the big multinationals cheating on their tax obligations by shuttling their affairs through Luxembourg or Dublin? Is it bloated supermarkets fiddling their accounts or the banks cheating and over charging their customers, or the privatised utilities overcharging? Pray tell....
Business will only flourish in a mixed economy with a supportive state, effective regulation which forces them to behave responsibly and Keynesian economic management which stimulates the growth they need to prosper.What business doesn't need is cuts, depressing demand, low wages depressing living standards and a state which imposes austerity as a means of social discipline.
What Labour needs is businesses which are national champions not wee timmering cowering beasties we see around us failing the nation and loosing out to foreigners even in their own home market..British business isn't even smart enough to see its own interests.
Think again Fabians.
The latest Fabian Pamphlet echoes a lot of Tory advice in urging Labour to be nicer to business.. Cosy up to brutal greedy selfish overcharging accountancy fiddling tax avoiding short sighted incompetantly business sector and stop them failing the country because they're so nervous about being made to behave better.
It's all code of course for move to the right, give up any idea of responsible capitalism cut taxes on the higher paid and scrap any regulations to make companies treat their workers and customers better.
And it's nonsense. It business can't flourish,conquer markets and pay the nation' sway in the world now when interest rates are at record levels large sections of public sector work are being handed to them regulations are being slashed ,while EU competitors are strangling themselves with the Euro then it's never going to.Brithish business is better at leaching on the state and crying out for socialism ((but only for themselves)in the form of government help aid finance and support than it is at competing in the world.
Besides the prophets never tell us what kind of business we've got to do selfies with. is it the small businesses being created in record numbers to go slowly bankrupt just to get people off social security. Is it the big multinationals cheating on their tax obligations by shuttling their affairs through Luxembourg or Dublin? Is it bloated supermarkets fiddling their accounts or the banks cheating and over charging their customers or the privatised utilities overcharging? Pray tell
Business will only flourish in a mixed economy with a supportive state,effective regulation which forces them to behave responsibly and Keynesian economic management which stimulates the growth they need to prosper.What business doesn't need is cuts depressing demand,low wages depressing living standards and a state which imposes austerity as a means of social discipline.
What Labour needs is businesses which are national champions not wee wicket cowering beasties we see around us failing the nation and loosing out to foreigners even in their own home market..British business isn't even smart enough to see its own interests.!!!
Think again Fabians.